So, why does somebody with 5 spinning wheels, a honkin' big floor loom, a smaller weaving loom, gillions of knitting needles, a vast array of crochet hooks and a terrible fiber addiction suddenly not require even a smidgen of yarn for several weeks? Because, presently I'm totally immersed in wet felting. Why bother to spin the wool when you can use the stuff straight out of the bag! No need to delay gratification. I guess this is the equivalent of eating straight-up cookie dough without bothering to bake it. To which Claxton might reply, "Yeah, but even the Cookie Monster doesn't have 21 lbs of chocolate chip dough plopped in the middle of his living space for his spouse to walk around." and, to which I might respond with, "How could you possibly know that?" (The secret to a successful marriage is to always converse on the same intellectual level.)
I've been felting hats, mittens, scarves, pouches, bags, and all kinds of vases, vessels, flower short, been having great fun!
There is comfort in the knowledge that I'm not the first or only one who has fallen prey to the felting bug. And, addicts tend to run in the same circles so it won't surprise you when I say I just happen to know somebody who has gotten so intensely into felting that she's taken on headquarters solely dedicated to this process. Her name is Mary Reichert. On November 1st she's opening a shop in Duluth and here's her website:
Now, Mary knows that I've gone crazy (we prefer "gotten industrious") making felted vessels, vases and what-not so she invites me to participate in a little display she has arranged with Lake Avenue Cafe in Duluth in recognition of the 3rd Annual International Day of Felt. Here's an example of one of the many different felted vessels that were placed on tables at the cafe.
It's not my favorite or anthing like that. I only got the one picture because the other tables with my vases had people sitting at them when we visited. Claxton doesn't like to go out to eat very often and I figured if I started bothering other people in the restaurant asking, "Excuse me a moment but, could I please take a picture of your centerpiece?" he might never go out to eat with me again. I did get a picture of our waiter in Mary's hand felted vest though:
She did a really nice job making that. I want to thank Mary for including me in the event. I also want to thank Lake Avenue Cafe for hosting the display and for a delicious lunch. I had the feta cheese pizza with artichoke hearts. Great service too! Very personable folks there as well.
When we got home I commented to Claxton how much I enjoyed seeing the various vases with fresh flowers in them. Naturally that got me thinking about felting flowers. As our yard is in full bloom at the moment, and as it could start to snow any time now that we're barely into October (you never know up here in northern Wisconsin) I decided to take a few pictures for reference. The bees were going nuts last Sunday and didn't even care how close I got.
(Naturally this picture has me thinking about felting bees...)
I really LOVE that blue felted vase!! Have you been on It's a great website where everything very cool, crafty, etc kind of just comes together and you can spend hours coming through awesome stuff, or just search for what you are looking for. Anyways- felted flowers have been the rage on there the last few days and lots of the websites have different techniques you can use to make them.