Sep 7, 2011

Fun Little Felting Class Coming Up!

I've been having a lovely time preparing for an upcoming class I'll be teaching on October 8th and snapped the above picture of our most colorful clothes line after a dying session. Lively colors of cotton gauze were drying in the warm breeze just begging to be photographed. They'll be used in making  3-D projects of wool during the class. I wanted to be sure that I had plenty of colors for students to choose from.

Naturally, I had to do a little sampling. 
The wool and gauze felt together into a solid fiber that holds its shape beautifully.

The below picture was taken in rather poor light
but, you get the idea.
I hand spun a bit of fringe to embelish the opening
of this fun little vessel.

If you live in the Duluth / Superior area and you'd like to come play with wool on Saturday, October 8th then check out the link at the top right of this blog. The class is very reasonably priced and the project is great fun!

Also, again this year the Duluth Fiber Handcrafters Guild will be at the Harvest Festival this Saturday, September 10th from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. I'll be there with my spinning wheel so, stop by and say hello!

Lots of new projects underway. I hope to share some of the wilder ones here in the near future!

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