There's nothing like having a wonderful family holiday filled with a great many adventures and woolen inspirations then, once home again, realizing that I have about 25 pictures of the Turducken and very few photos of anything else.
So, here it is, Teal Marie's Turducken. I was wrong to think a turkey that is stuffed with a duck that is stuffed with a hen means there will be wishbones for everyone. Other than the legs and wings of the turkey there are no bones throughout the main body of the birds! Below my brother makes short work of carving this most interesting main course.
And, below you can see the layers of meat separated by dressing/stuffing. It's like a meat cake!
Teal's Turducken was delicious. We were all quite impressed. Sadly she set the bar so high it will be a genuine challenge for her impress us in future. Once treated to a feat of wonderment in the kitchen we're the kind of family that comes to expect a little more next go around. In fact suggestions were made as to how she might try starting out with an elephant which would give her plenty of room to stuff in double digit animals. (We were all quite liberal with our suggestions of what might be stuffed well with what...beef to poultry to fish for a little surf and turf?)
Last year I did not travel home for Thanksgiving. I remember I was knee-deep into a wool dying odyssey and my Thanksgiving dinner consisted of boiled eggs and microwave popcorn. (Surprisingly no pictures were taken of that meal.)
Besides treating us all to Turducken Teal also showed me how to solder LED lights. I want to make a light-up yarn and she embraced this dream by very patiently giving me lessons in how to solder.
Should you decide that you would like to make light-up yarn you might wish to drill holes in a board. Make the holes the size of the lights you intend to utilize.
Above we stripped 30 gauge wire at the connection points and wrapped the positive and negative connections in preparation for the soldering iron. The board makes a handy-dandy light holder for this kind of fiddley work.
Very easy to solder the connections with the LED lights snug in their little knooks. I'm going to use the strings of lights for a core in a very bright and wild yarn. We got further than this with the process but, as I mentioned earlier my camera is filled with Turducken pictures. Besides, this is really a work-in-progress adventure thus far. More will be revealed or should I say 'illuminated' in future.
Another adventure in the works is a woolen stand I'm going to create to support my father's latest endeavor for a team project we're hatching. Dad blew me away with his gourd art. Here are a few pictures of his half of our top secret wood and wool project:
He's drawing up sketch ideas for the woolen display stand I'm to create. I'm "envisioning" all sorts of wild armatures to serve as the base. And, Teal loaned me her solder iron! MMMmmmmwwwhhhaaahahahahah!
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