Dec 2, 2009

I've Been SPINterviewed

Back in October I was contacted by Cindy Cole of Studioloo and invited to interview myself for the wonderful Spin in Public Site. As I'd never interviewed anyone before and, as I'd never been interviewed I thought it would be a great opportunity for both of me.

I decided to set the interview location on my own turf so that I would be at ease and comfortable asking and answering the tough questions. (Thankfully I didn't ask myself anything too personal.) There was a moment of awkwardness when I discovered that both me and myself had arrived wearing identical outfits. But I managed to ignore this and simply chalked it up to mutually poor fashion sense.

So, yesterday I received word that my interview was posted. Now, what motivation is there for you to click on over and read this interview? Well, you'll see a really enlarged picture of my avatar that will lay to rest once-and-for-all the question about whether or not The Treadler has a mustache. Next time I interview myself I will not allow me to take my picture.  My SPINterview

1 comment:

  1. Awesome article!! I loved it. You should have had a picture of your hubs staring at a mountain of wool, next to the door. Like it's a big life choice or something! :)

    I also liked your last picture- it looked like candy canes!

    I think you should post your finished wool creations on Etsy- so people could buy just the wool for their own projects. That might really take off!


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