Oct 31, 2009

They're Alive!

It's a dark and rainy Saturday morning, happy Halloween. You never know what kind of trick-or-treating weather the little ones are going to endure up here in northern Wisconsin. Again this year it looks like the kids will be going out dressed up as warm winter coats.

As for me, I'm so out-of-the-loop I thought Halloween was tomorrow. My big plans for today were to make a bunch of tatting mistakes and then try to untangle them. But first I wanted to peek in on my lovely, white cocoons. That's when I noticed a rusty red syrup in the corner of the box and something flitting about. CAN IT BE?

(Just look at the tiny fuzzy fluff on this character.)
Yes! They're alive! At least one is anyway. This little moth is all alone and perched atop another cocoon. I'm wondering, does the little moth know that this particular cocoon is the next to spring to life? Once transformed they only live for 5 days or so during which time all that they do is procreate and lay eggs. Kind of a bummer to be the first and only one out.

It is also kind of a bummer to think of more rusty colored syrup goo to come as the remaining 99 hatchlings complete the transformation. I figured as much and now I know: Allowing the cocoons to hatch definitely adds a good bit of extra work to the silk harvesting process. These guys are really going to make me earn those silk noils. Still, I must admit this is the most exciting part of the process. It's quite an amazing change that takes place. What crazy goings on in these little silken capsules!


  1. I have to say it- these things look scary. Like if they were bigger they would likely attack. And yah- what if nobody else hatches? How is this guy going to do his job? Bummer. It's like being all ready and nowhere to go. :) LOL!

  2. What an elegant looking beauty! And what lovely color.

    And by the way...normal is boring. Odd is fun!


  3. I have been waiting anxiously for this moment...such intense anxiety! As for the red goo...the good karma of allowing ye winged beasties to hatch naturally and then lay their eggs is SO much better than the murderous alternative. You are SUCH a good mothra. I figure that's gotta be a good name for a moth mama, right? All you need to complete the picture are high-pitched singing twins - oh wait, you could use the kids! Just tell 'em to look up the legend of Mothra for more details_ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mothra

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