Sep 22, 2009

Free Knitting Cotton Cloth Pattern

Happy Autumn to you!

And, with Autumn comes crisp, colder weather which can only mean it's almost WOOL season! (Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy...) Almost. Actually, I believe that every season is wool season but, it isn't cold yet so let's grab up that soft, absorbent cotton and get to work on another fun little wash or dish cloth pattern.

I love springy, sproingy wool and haven't knit much with cotton myself. I know from spinning bunches of cotton that it doesn't have that elastic wonderfulness a carefree and loose-knittin' individual can take for granted with wool. With cotton I'm quickly learning to knit tight little stitches. Tight, tight, tight! So, I use size one needles and try to pretend to be very tense but still I knit loosely. Perhaps if I were to watch a scarey movie, one where a timid person goes up into an old haunted attic to investigate a frightening noise while alone, in a night gown, armed with only a candle nub...
But, hey let's get you started! Here's the graph:

And, here are the play-by-play instructions.

It should print up very easily for you but, if you do have a hard time you'll find my email address at the top right column of this web log. Drop me a note and I'll send you PDF attachments.
A toast to a colorful Autumn ahead! Time to start picking apples and such. I'll be at the Wrenshall first-ever Fall Festival demonstrating hand spinning and drum carding this Saturday, Sept. 26th. So, if you are in that neck of the woods over the weekend stop by and say, "Hello!" Remember, if you haven't yet discovered hand spinning and making your own fabulous yarns I urge you to try it.  You are in for a treat.

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