Sep 3, 2009

Come Make a Doll of Wool

Duluth Art Institute ~ Lincoln Park Site
2229 W. 2nd Street, Duluth, MN
The DAI Fall Schedule is complete with lots of fibery offerings for 2009. (There's a handy-dandy link at the top right column of my blog.) Once again I've been given the opportunity to lead the oh so very wacky, "Wool Felted Figurines" class. It is served up in 3 sessions with the understanding that at the end of that third get-together you'll have yourself a wildly unique little character of wool and the know-how to create an entire fleet of your own "wooligans". I took the time to post all about each session last year. Find that post here.
So, aaannnyyywwwaaayyy, while we're on the subject of Northwoods area (Fiber) Events:
Saturday, September 12, 2009 - 9 am to 4 pm - Rain or Shine - Duluth Bayfront Park
The Duluth Fiber Handcrafter's Guild will be spinning and weaving away at the Lake Superior Harvest Festival. Click on the banner for a link to their site and all the info., and if you find yourself at Bayfront Park on September 12th please come by and say, "Hello!" I'll be sitting with all the other fiber addicts so look for the spinning wheels.
And, should you like to try your hand at spinning, weaving, paper making and/or cookie sampling come to this free event:
I'll most likely be demonstrating the use of a drop spindle. Come by and give it a "whorl". Drop spindling is an extremely affordable way to enter the world of hand spinning and make your own lovely, woolen yarn. The demos and treats are great for any age and there's no cost to the public. And, we'll have holiday gifty items for sale should you'd wish to peruse our wares.
Now, tomorrow I take my new running shoes out of the box and actually lace them up and strap them on. Then I shall commence to pounding the pavement. So, if you live in the North woods area, besides considering the above events you might wish to batten down the hatches!

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