Happy First Day of Spring!
About 5 days ago we had such sultry weather up here in Northern Wisconsin I had to step out from behind my spinning wheel, set down my knitting needles, clear my lap of roving, dry my hands from wet felting, hang up my drop spindle and get out there! I even brought my camera.
I live very close to Lake Superior so I walked on over to Barker's Island where you can see the city of Duluth across this Great Lake. Ah Spring! Things are going to really get popping now-ish (in a few weeks/months).

I didn't knit in public last WWKIP day. (I assure you I did knit though). I'd like to celebrate that day by meeting up with a group of those grafitti knitters I've read about. Maybe this is the first day of Spring talking but, I wouldn't mind taking a walk on the wild side. Graffiti Knitters meet in some public place and, together they knit all over a parking meter or a street corner.
I like to think that they communicate in secret code and that, if I were one of them I'd decifer messages that told me:
Grab your knitting needles.
We meet at the clock tower at midnight!

But, back to Happy Spring talk:
Sometimes I like to rationalize my terrible fiber addiction. I tell myself, "Self, you really are normal. You spend every free moment of your life playing with wool because wool is warm and snuggly and necessary in a cold environment." But, I know the climate is not to blame. I play with wool because I cannot stop and when I'm not playing with wool I'm thinking about what I'm going to do with wool once I'm able to play with it again.
So, I LOVE WINTER here. It beautifully supports my rationalizations. And, as all of this snow and ice continue to melt and freeze, melt and re-freeze well, I say I LOVE SPRING too! It is definitely still spinning, knitting, felting, dying, doll-making time!
There is a sense of foreboding with this first day of Spring though (We do not have air conditioning): That one big month of Summer is sure to pounce eventually. Hot, hot temps. are kryptonite to The Treadler (evil nemesis).
Well considering that spring is still technically a few hours away- you seem pretty excited about it! hehe!! I'm thrilled, and unlike you I totally love the hot weather and this winter stuff is for the birds!
Teresa! Happy Spring to you!!! You are the winner of my "hope for spring" giveaway!!!! Leave your mailing address at studio at magskandis dot com and I'll send off the cheery prize.
Our lives have many similarities.... we are both "yarnies"... we both live near a "Great" lake... we both suffer for a month without air conditioning... and we both say. "eh"!!!!!
Mags Kandis! Yay! I know how to randomly win a contest! (I sent my address via ravelry.)
If you haven't seen this designer's creations it is very worth your while to pay a visit to Mag's blog!
Also, be sure to check out her offerings at Ravelry, a most excellent textile community for all sorts of fiber-related inspirations. It is free to join but there is a short waiting list: ravelry.com
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