Feb 8, 2009

Treadling On the Fringe

I found some great little sea shells for bead working and decided, as a weekend project, to make a very small woolen fringed bag. Above are the fibers from a previous dying session that I chose to match my shells: a light dull navy blue at left, and a strange orange and olive blend at right. In the center is a little bit of sparkly blending glitz...just for fun. I was shooting for a mossy, mermaid kind of action in the yarn.

This isn't the best of pictures, a bit flat/lack-lustre, but perhaps you can see the heather of mossy colors somewhat? The picture doesn't give a good idea of the diameter of this yarn either. That is far easier to see in the next photo.

The yarn had to be spun very fine and then plied back upon itself (andean 2-ply method). I needed it to be on the "thready side" so I could string the shells on. Below you can also see the size of the holes in these shells! Normally I wouldn't necessarily choose to spin tiny thread but, these beads were on sale and to this spinster-woman that's the same as throwing down the gauntlet. The challenge was on the minute the beads became half priced.

This bag could hold a silver dollar or two but not much more. It is hanging on a beautiful vase my daughter gave me for my birthday. Thank YOU Teal! (I love that crazy vase.)

Once all the shells were strung onto my home spun I threaded this now beaded yarn back onto my spinning wheel and overspun it by inserting a great deal more twist. No longer a balanced yarn it wanted to ply onto itself again (a.k.a. cabled yarn). This time I plied the yarn over itself trapping beads between each measured (fringe) portion. Once that part is complete the whole thing is crocheted into permanent position and dad-blast-it if I'm not addicted to this too now! I Just ran out to get more shells and pursue the whole thing again in mauve. Why must each and every woolen project be like trying to eat just one potato chip?

1 comment:

  1. AHAHA!!!! You make it look sound so easy!!!! These colors are very soothing to the eye, just lovely!!!


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