Feb 21, 2009

Seagull Feather Yarn

While searching for a favorite drop spindle I found this old experiment from many years ago. I had just started dying my own wool when I read that any protein fiber can be permanently dyed with Koolaid, vinegar, water and heat. I remember rushing out to the Lake Superior shoreline and collecting a nice helping of seagull feathers. (Seagull feathers are so very white...)

That was back when I could be classified as a "recreational user of wool". I was not an addict yet so, my husband would still ask things like, "What are you cooking? It smells like pickled fruit juice." He would then sink his head down into the steam to take a peak... It would require a mighty explosion for him to ask me anything like that today.

I spun the feathers right into the yarn then knitted a little swatch. You will notice it is still on the needle. There was no real "master plan" here. (Good thing floor looms aren't as cheap and easy to come by as knitting needles. Imagine how cumbersome it would be to store 500 work-in-progress weaving projects!)


  1. I've come out of a dark place and thank goodness I found you. Your writing makes me laugh so hard every page takes a year off my life. Remember me? Angelique

  2. I did not mean to imply that I am shrinking away to nothing from reading your blog. I meant to say that I am growing younger again.

  3. Yes! Of course I remember you and your wonderful dolls. I'm very happy you gave me a shout!

    I'm sorry to tell you that my next post is going to be one of pure despondency as it appears I impulsively ordered a heck of a lot of wool and it all arrived last night. (There is no room for me to work unless I find a way to suspend this new stash from the ceiling...)


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